Saturday, August 15, 2009

Instructios for final RBO88015AugustExamination

Assay of 500 W0rds

Instructions for final RBO 880 Examination
15 August 2009
Essay of 500 words
By Teben is hag Adam
(Electrical capacitor)

· Web based tools:
Web based it’s important to learn education.
In the web based use more web to give information for learn
Google, yahoo, faces book, quiz, YouTube.
Through this web students can use the tools that fit example lesson .the tools used for the learn texts Video, graphic, animation, all this tools explain lesson for learner.
The suit my classroom video and graphic a give the web to search information
· Mobile devices:
Mobile is a means for the transfer of information in the classroom by the following tools
1. SMS: text messages.
2. MMS: multimedia messages including the Mobile camera.
3. Voice XML: dialogues over the phone
4. The learner You can browse the web sites of the small
· Methodology
The lesson has a teacher in Omdurman technical school for boy’s first-year student s part of Electricity. I chose this topic because I am a professor of this subject I select 20 students
In the classroom to teach the learning capacitor electrical and this course
For students of technical.
The tools used in the lesson.
1. PowerPoint: to presentation of information
2. animation : To encourage the attention of students
3. video : to see and listening how teaching capacitor
4. graphic: to explain the types shape of electrical capacitor
I do in the classroom for the learner about the lesson capacitor electrical is as follows :
1- I request from the students search to give me more information to electrical capacitor from web
2-irequest to work in or group Measurement
electrical capacitor
3-A sked him in the classroom about the lesson to answer individually into time.
4- put them to test quiz answer then sent in a week to my email
Through observation in the classroom while teaching
But through the lesson to focus the learner was clear in some places, which requires understanding and wonder how that is measured and the capacity of capacitors electrical and maintenance to them.
From this experience I’m learn who teacher the student through learned how to draw the attention of students on the lesson and discuss the pictures Video questions within the lesson
Positive web based
1. The web based include all the tools can be used in learning
2. Is a robust solution designed program for teachers in classroom
3. A good for learn
4. Give more information to student
Negative web based
1. Necessary to find a computer and the Internet in the in the classroom
2. Difficult examination of the learner to solutions.
3. Need electricity throe working
4. Some country it not find in school the web based
Positive mobile devices
1. Internet connection and access to information that you the integration of other organs
2. such as the radio operator to operate the MP3 audio files and video player to display video and a camera and other.
3. Can be take the and send massage between learner
4. Away from the student boredom and fatigue
Negative mobile devices
1. High cot need to ship the balance of the periods of continuous.
2. This method will help to create chaos in the classroom 3. The slow process of teaching through this method
4. Sometimes slow

Wednesday, August 12, 2009